Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Organize with Evernote

As a teacher it is so very important to always be organized and on task. Evernote and Skitch are great ways to keep all notes together and reading important documents at ease. The great thing about Evernote is as long as there is internet there is a way to get into the account. There are apps for iPads and iPhones and websites. This app uses a cloud type system, in which, each device syncs up to an account so all notebooks can be easily accessed. Skitch, another app linked to Evernote, allows the user to take pictures or screenshots and write directly onto the pictures. Skitch is connected to Evernote and once something is saved onto Skitch it can be opened on Evernote in its own notebook.
As teachers, there are so many things that need to be kept organized and Evernote is the best tool for the job. Emails, events, notes, and to-do lists can all be saved into "notebooks" on this app. Teachers can have different notebooks for different classes set up so everything is easily located. These online notebooks allow for less clutter and its eco-friendly. There is even an Evernote website just for teachers called Evernote for Teachers and a twitter account for teachers @evernoteteacher.

Not just teachers benefit from Evernote, students can use this app as well. Students can take pictures, add videos, audio from lectures or take notes however is best for them in individual notebooks. Because notebooks can be shared, students can share their notes with the teacher or other students. Also carrying just an iPad cuts down on the amount of notebooks students have to lug around.

Skitch is a great app to read documents while taking notes on the page. When reading a PDF file, highlighting and writing notes in the margin is very easy. Students can even use Skitch to read more efficiently without the books. This app can also be helpful while teaching math and grouping particular items while counting. One teacher states “after taking a photograph and pulling it into Skitch, I was able to circle the sets as we counted together”.

This video gives teachers a website to go to and shows how to use Evernote efficiently as a teacher. Evernote understands that teachers need to stay organized and so do students. The video explains how students and teachers can use this app to stay organized and technologically up to date.

Overall, Evernote is a great application for teachers and students. It can be used in many ways in the classroom and the out of the classroom. 
